Hello everybody,
One month earlier than planned we have the great pleasure to announce you that the company called FromDual goes operational today!
We are excited about this step and it is an new era in our personal evolution to get back in full-contact with customers and solve their real life day-to-day MySQL problems.
So we are happy hearing from you and to help you solving your individual MySQL problems...
You can find us at FromDual or you can drop us a line.
Oli Sennhauser (aka Shinguz)
Senior MySQL Consultant at FromDual
About FromDual
FromDual provides neutral and vendor independent MySQL consulting, training and other services around MySQL and its derivatives. The company concentrates on the individual needs of its customers and achieves, in a close co-operation the best results for their problems.
Our consultants have been working in many projects in Europe. We were involved in small start-ups, medium size enterprises and huge world wide operating top-500 companies and solved their Performance Problems, developed Architecture & Design studies with them, answered their operation questions, and reviewed their Backup/Recovery concepts.
FromDual does on-site and remote consulting, remote emergency aid and helps its customers to fill MySQL staff gaps if needed.
The company is privately owned. Its HQ is close to Zurich in Switzerland.